To create, achieve something new. We have to let go of old ways of thinking, feeling and doing.

The old patterns have been useful to get us where we are now. For the new, bigger, lighter vision - it's time to let go.

Subconscious beliefs

95% of all our thoughts and feelings every day are unconscious. And it's our thoughts and feelings that lead us to take action, which, in turn, create the results in our outter world. Often times, consciously we know what we want and what to do about it, however in real life we keep falling into old patterns. Or we experience resistance, stress and pressure - when our mind and willpower wants one thing, but it seems our body keeps tensing up, resisting and self-sabbotaging. Doubt, fear, guilt or shame come into play when we are about to break through, which hold us back to take that action and create that result we truly desire. And in case our mind, our willpower is very strong, we keep pushing ourselves until "the body says NO", until our body forces us to take a break, by dis-ease.

I work with techniques that allow you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Those old patterns are wired into your subconscious, into your body. By releasing old stuck emotions (that you might not even be aware you are holding on to), we rewire your unconscious beliefs for more constructive, easeful ways of thinking, feeling and being. So that your mind opens for new possibilities and new actions become easy. And then you can create new results, new achievements, new reality for yourself, that ripples to the world around you.

ThetaHealing® Technique

ThetaHealing Technique is a meditation method that allows you to break old patterns, by clearing the limiting beliefs and releasing old emotions. Those are being replaced with lighter emotions and more empowering belief patterns. 

By releasing the old beliefs and emotions that no longer serve you, you not only increase your mental and emotional well-being, you also start to see new possibilities and solutions to the situations at hand. The actions you want to take become more natural and effortless.

The energy that has been involved in ruminating on the issues of the past or worrying about the future is released to create something more positive in here and now, and hence the future. 

*ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health.

What others say

The reason for ThetaHealing was deep tension I felt that were triggered by feelings of failure and fear. After the session, I immediately felt mentally stronger. there was more space to be myself instead of being controlled by 'old' emotions. I don't understand it 100%, but I think it makes sense that you appeal to your subconscious and start a conversation with it. It sounds much vaguer than it is and it is very accessible. It gave me more peace, more strength and more clarity. I also gained more oversight in my work and find it less challenging. While nothing has changed about my work, my feelings and capabilities around it have changed.

– Project manager

I had been struggling for quite some time with making myself visible, in relation to my company. I experienced obstacles and fears in this and then came into contact with Egle.

In the session we looked for the core and the origins of these fears. What prevented me from being visible? The session felt safe and good, very important because you enter a vulnerable depth of yourself.

Egle is a warm and powerful woman, who guided me in a pleasant, gentle and yet clear way and helped me transform my fears and beliefs into strength and self-confidence.

Already during the session I felt my fears transform into strength and self-confidence. I got a feeling that it is allowed to be, and that it is safe to be visible and take my place. And feeling and experiencing this from my core.

Now, a week after the session, I feel more confident in myself. I feel more in my place and feel that it is okay and safe. I can, I want to be visible.

Grateful for this wonderful session. Thank you Egle🙏

– Owner

The ThetaHealing with Egle provided clarity and felt liberating. I encountered a number of blockages that caused me enormous insecurity, especially when I wanted to express myself. And that is important in my field. I didn't always dare to really stand up for what I believed. Until Egle drew my attention to ThetaHealing. Egle made me very comfortable during the entire session. It felt incredibly trustworthy and safe to share my blockages with her. After the session it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I felt stronger than ever. And it has remained so. A feeling of power that I have never felt before. Confidence. All in all it was (and is!) a very special experience for me. I wish everyone this experience with Egle.

– Owner of HR & Legal company

To discover why I had difficulty 'receiving', I did ThetaHealing session with Egle. In no time I found out where the blockage had arisen and through the ThetaHealing approach it also became clear to me that the negative emotions had also created positive beliefs. Afterwards I had a very pleasant and balanced feeling - now let's see what comes my way!

– Owner

I have been working with Egle nearly every week for more than 5 months now, and it has made a massive impact on all areas of my life: from clearing limiting beliefs about money and abundance to relationships, health, self-worth, and clarifying my life path. In the past, I have tried many other healing modalities, but ThetaHealing has proven to be the most powerful, fast, and truly transformative method. With Egle’s guidance, I always feel safe, supported, and encouraged to become a better version of myself every single session. I wouldn't trade our weekly sessions for anything else on my healing and self-growth journey.

– Entrepreneur

The session with Eglė was wonderful. I did not expect that we would go that deep into the process and into the underlying mechanisms and models that drive the fears that do not serve anymore. We started with the question related to the false unconscious beliefs about failure, and lack of self-confidence before an important conversation about my work achievements. Soon enough in a deep meditative state, we went through the entire story, emotions, and value that these already false beliefs have brought and worked through the new positive story creation. After the session I felt calm and confident. Things that would previously trigger or impact me emotionally seemed to have a distance. The conversation the next day went wonderfully, I kept calm, but in some moments when I got triggered I suddenly realized that this was not the model I wanted to live from and be able to respond in the way I always wanted, not from fear but with compassion and understanding. I am very grateful to Egle, she has a sharp mind, a strong connection to her intuitive self, and is able to create a very safe space to unlock the change.

Commercial Consultant, PhD

I did a ThetaHealing with Egle because I was looking for more clarity around my next steps. I felt that change was needed, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

Egle is excellent at working in a goal-oriented manner. Very quickly a lot came to the surface and it was nice to feel that old experiences became neutral during the session.

It was a pleasant session that sometimes even felt relaxing. Afterwards I felt a lot of strength. I can definitely recommend this.

What was (which blockage) the reason for you to take part in a ThetaHealing session?

For me it was less of a block and more of an exploration. What is there to discover? I felt an intuitive yes. Then I know, there is something to be found here.

- How was the session for you? How did you feel immediately after the session?

The session was actually less intense than I expected. I wouldn't say relaxing, but sometimes it was. After the session I felt as if my whole body was moving. Many shifts in my body. Powerful method to quickly initiate changes!

- What was the result for you, what did you notice after the session (especially with regard to your blockage)?

What was very valuable to me: I got exactly what I needed. A lot of synchronicity. I felt stronger after the session. Thank you!

Thank you 🙏


Prices ThetaHealing

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First try-out session


Discover the transformational power that your subconscious is holding. You not only have a chance to experience the process, but in fact you shift one belief that has been there for as long as your whole life. In only one session, you already see how powerful our long-held beliefs are, and what happens when you release them.

Monthly subscription

€250* /month

(minimum of 3 months)

True transformation, releasing many layers of beliefs and emotions that have led you to the situation you are facing right now.

Sustainable transformation and growth towards mental and emotional clarity, as well as new behaviour patterns.


  • Phone or video call to discuss your question at hand
  • 2 sessions per month
  • Reflection at the end of the subscription

Single session


Whether a one-off dilemma you are dealing with, or an urgent, pressing, emotional matter at hand. You expand your awareness about the question at hand and release emotions, so that your mind opens for new possibilities and solutions, that are waiting for you to be seen and recognized.

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