About me

Throughout life, I collected many rich life experiences. Motivated through both, pain combined with desire for something better, I met every challenge with a decision to look for a solution and rise. With every step, I surpassed and surprised myself and discovered the immense possibilities of each human being to grow and transform beyond their current circumstances, when chosen so. Meanwhile, I found the methods to release the (unconscious) pain. Evolution from vision and desire, has become my lifestyle. Now, I help others reinvent themselves and uncover their true potential and self-realize in life and business.

Despite an impressive list of education, work and international experiences, the most often asked question that people are curious to define me by is: where do you come from? And I come from humble beginnings. That gave me a drive and desire to learn and evolve. It also provided me with proof, that it’s not about where you come from or how you look like. I first left my hometown at the age of 14. Through immense willpower I now have international background, with education (MSc) in finance and business, with corporate experience, entrepreneurial experience and finally certifications in energy work. And yes, I also cleaned hotel rooms and worked in the bar to make my living when studying.

In the energy work I found the most powerful and transformative methods to truly create life, the reality (meaning business, wealth, health, wellbeing, relationships and any other area of life), we envision. Release the old rules, conditionings, repressed and supressed emotions, behaviour patterns, ways of being, heal, refocus, and create a life of potential and self-realisation.

And while the methods of energy work are so progressive, that the mainstream is still quite sceptical. There has been a techtonic shift in modern science that started over a century ago with the theory of relativity. Now, science of quantum physics, electrophotonics, epigenetics, cymatics and beyond, are delivering breakthrough after breakthrough reinventing the human understanding of the nature of reality, as a sea of information (=light=quantum energy). And with that, human potential through their consciousness (thoughts, feelings - energy field), connecting to this wisdom that is all around and within us. Modern science is starting to catch up with the ancient wisdom and mysticism that has been practiced for thousands of years.

Practically, it means that you and I are capable to create the business, the wealth, the health, the relationships, wellbeing and any other aspect of our lives through inner transformation, that then projects in our behaviour and results outwords. Through dedicated practice, working on who we truly are at the depths of our being.

Selected list of my formal education and certifications:

BSc Economics and Business Administration (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga + University of Dar es Salaam)
MSc International Business (Copenhagen Business School + Rotterdam School of Management)
Certified ThetaHealing® practitioner and instructor
Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process facilitator

While it is not neccessary to know and understand all the theory to start transforming your life now. If you are curious like me, I share a selection of books that cracked open my understanding of reality. It went hand in hand with work on my unconscious judgements, limitations and beliefs. That allowed me to start practicing the healing and conscious life creation:

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential - by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - by Joe Dispenza, Adam Boyce, et al.

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon - by Adam Boyce, Joe Dispenza, et al.

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter - by Adam Boyce, Dr. Joe Dispenza, et al.

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles - by Bruce H. Lipton PhD, Mr. Jeffrey Hedquist, et al.

The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief - by Gregg Braden and Hay House LLC

The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture - by Gabor Maté MD, Daniel Maté, et al.

The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity - by Gay Hendricks PH.D., Sean Patrick Hopkins, et al.

The Big Leap - by Gay Hendricks and HarperAudio

10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less - by Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, et al.

Begin Your Journey